Monday, 30 March 2015

Problem.... definition cause & solution
Definition, cause and solution.

Problem is very common thing now days. We hardly find a person without problem. Few of us is suffering from relationship problem, few is worried about their financial problem, few of us is facing health problem etc...

There is no end of problem.

But what is problem actually??

Anything what we desire and don’t get the same it creates problem .If we define problem in mathematical terms then

Problem = Expectation – Actual.

According to this we always have high expectation but we don’t receive the same. This is the only reason because of which   we are into the problem every time. Whenever this equation arrived we are into problem.

Actually problem is a psychological term it arrives because of our thinking .If we are into problem that doesn't mean everything in our life is not moving in right direction. Its always one thing out of many things which is not moving according to us.

          Try to identify the one and work on it .For example ….  A   man who is very happy in his personal life. Everyone in his family loves him a lot, he is happy with his wife, he is having good relationship with his friends, family & colleagues but he is not satisfied with his job, he is unable to fulfil the expectation of his boss because of which he is frustrated .Over a period of time he is showing his frustration to his near and dear one.

Don’t do this?? 

Because of your job don’t disturb your entire life. Job is only one thing in your life there is lots of thing more or equally important than job. Try to give your hundred percent to fulfil the expectation of your boss, or else change your job.

In above example, if he will short out his professional problem, his life become full of joy and happiness. 

Whenever we are into problem, try to identify the reason &work on it. I am sure we all have the ability to solve the problem what we need a formula to solve the equation. Don’t disturb your entire world because of a single reason. There are lots of reason to smile find it. Life is beautiful live it. 

Face the problem chase the problem always try to erase the problem..

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